Sunday, November 12, 2006

Pad Thai and The Office


It seems fitting to have the first post be a) something we made ourselves, and b) one of our favorote dishes.

This particular time was a group meal at our friends' house before all watching the show The Office together. This was the "Branch Closing" episdode, and was quite good.

In total, we had our friends W&CA as well as J&B, who are in the middle of moving here from... well, from nowhere, really, they were somewhat nomadic. Rounding out the crew was the brother of J from J&B, who is now living here as well.

I tell you all this because it is the reason I got in trouble from my DW. See, we only made a single batch of Pad Thai for 7 people. This means that there were NO leftovers. Oops!

Our Pad Thai is pretty simple - it's a recipe we got from taking a Thai cooking course from Supatra, who now owns her own restaurant in St. Paul. Really, though, Pad Thai is incredibly simple for being so good - you start by sauteeing some shallots, then throwing in your meat to cook. After that's done, you add in your sauce and your noodles (which you have soaked for 3-4 hours previous), then at the end some green onions and bean sprouts. Top with the ground peanuts and you're done. Yum!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

What kind of sauce do you use for the Pad Thai? Austin and I tried to make it a few times but it seemed that the sauce was sub-par compared to what we've had in restaurants.